Saturday, April 9, 2011

A good day...

Last night, I was looking over my pictures  from our Florida trip.  We went from January 3-8, and Curtis passed away on January 29, 3 weeks after we got back. We had lots of fun during our trip. Curtis really pushed himself to get out every day to get out to go to whatever park we were going to that day. He did not complain even though I knew that it was so difficult for him to just get out of the bed. He was a real trooper. He wanted to get the electric wheel chair so he could drive it around and would not have to inconvenience any of us to push him around.  There was one day that they were out of electric wheelchairs, and it really bothered him that I had to push him in a standard wheelchair. He was so concerned about all of us.

There were more symptoms developing even while we were there. But Curt was determined not to have to call the doctor. On Thursday, we had lots of visitors and earlier in the week, our old neighbors came to visit and Curtis was so thrilled to know that people cared enough to come and see us while we were in Orlando. On Thursday, the condo was filled with friends who came to pray for Curt and to just love on him.  Everyone who came had to drive at least an hour and half.  This touched his heart so greatly. He told me how humbled he was that people cared for us. After the prayer where Bishop Troy Miller and the others prayed for him, he began to feel better.  His color was better and the pain levels went down to almost zero! The rest of that evening he looked healthy and enjoyed dinner with friends.

This day was such a blessing. Friday the pain began to come back and by Saturday when we came home, He began to be sick again.  After that, each day became worse.  I am so grateful for this day that he had where he felt normal and was surrounded by the love of his friends.  To all of you who visited that week and that Thursday, thank you so very much. I know the prayers were fervent and they were passionate. Being surrounded by such powerful love from God's people was amazing. I know it was for Curtis. I don't know how many times he told me that Thursday evening that he was a blessed man. 

So it was a good day on Thursday, January 6, 2011. I experienced a "normal" day with my husband and thanks to everyone who played a part in us being at Disney - Curtis once again experienced the bond of unity among friends. Everyone who gave finances for us to go or prayed for us during this time, you sowed into the creation of memories that will never be forgotten by me or the children. Thank you again for a good day. 


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